An Auspicious Friend


"Oh, You wish to know of my tales? Well then take a seat and listen for a time will you?"

I'm a rather open person, and friendly to approach even if I'm a bit shy. If you want to roleplay with me feel free to but I ask that you keep all things in character. Anything said in character is only ever in character. After all, we're all Roleplaying to have fun are we not?As for ERP, I'm fine with it just don't make it a habit, please. but also don't just come to me asking for first thing as well. I prefer a build-up to such things. If you wish to talk to me more outside of the game or even roleplay I'm always open to making new friends.If you want to start things with my character (or characters.) I'm open to doing so, But please do not try to force it, if there is no chemistry for the characters don't force it. Nothing is worse than a badly written romance!If you want to just chat with me and hope to find a new friend. I'm always open to those!One final note. I treat people how they treat me. If you are kind to me, I am going to return to that kindness. but the moment you act like an ass or a creep. I'm simply not going to put up with it and I will ignore you or simply cut you out. I have much better things to do with my time than waste my energy dealing with people like that.If you would like to talk more or know more feel free to send me a tell in game!(Also yes. this was copied and pasted from my Other Carrd. if you seen the Hirose one. hai.)

Strange Ears

To most when first glancing upon Arukuro they may take note of her toned body, or face paint, maybe even the markings upon her body.But for most others, their eyes are drawn to the strange ears upon her head. which do not seem to take the shape most Mi'qote ears seem to be. More akin to that of a fox than a cat, these ears are complimented by her rather large and fluffy tail that has a red tip at the bottom.


Being around Arukuro or even looking to her, seems to offer a strange calmness at times, her ever-calm voice and face never seem to break, not even under the highest of stressMaybe years of study were taken to reach such a zen state. But given her toned body and her rather muscled-up arms, It is likely that she may know more than just simple mediation techniques. Maybe speaking to her may enlighten you?

Sake? Why of course!

Arukuro is almost never seen without sake on her person, be it hidden in her robes. pulled out from behind an object or even just already in hand. She is never without Drink. her drink of choice? Sake of course.Maybe you enjoy a good drink too? She seems like someone who would be a good drinking partner at the very least. and who knows where that may lead.

Spoilers for Four Lords Questline and Stormblood

In Othard there is a legend that speaks of Four Lords, what are they you may ask? If you pull someone aside and ask they will say they are gods, others will call them auspices. both, are correct. the auspices are animals who have managed to outlive their natural lifespan, slowly growing awareness of themselves along with a greater truth.Arukuro is once such being, in a time long before yours or mine there was but a small fox who lived day to day doing as a fox would do, but when that small fox grew larger and older. its body did not succumb to the process of aging, instead, this fox felt strength grow within it. year by year they felt stronger and more aware until they were alive as any other mortal.Arukuro at the start of her life as an Auspices still kept the form of a fox, she didn't know how to use her newfound powers or anything. nor even how to talk. but she did come to find herself in the company of a turtle that called themselves Genbu an auspices just like her. and if rumours are true one of the four lords.Genbu did not know why but he felt a strange draw to this one, more then the others. he took Arukuro under his wing and trained her all he knew. along with letting others train her as well, over the years Arukuro would grow more and more. becoming as large as one of the other lords in her 'normal' form.Arukuro learned the ways of martial arts, Aether manipulation, mediation, along with many other such things. but soon Genbu would see a future to come for the people of Doma, men of war in towering golems of metal that brought nothing but death to the Doman people. seeing the downfall and little he could do to halt it, he urged the Auspices to remain hidden Arukuro most of all.Yet Arukuro would not listen she loved her travels but also loved the people of Doma. she went out and did what she could to help a blooming rebellion. donning a cowl to hide her features she would strike down Garleans where she could. Her homeland taken over by such unkind men would not be stood by her. with her aid many Domans were spared a cruel fate at the hands of these invadersTime would pass onward waiting for the day when a man would come to the lands of Doma wielding the blade of a samurai with an aura that Arukuro could not ignore. she watched from the shadows following this man, watching him find Hien the Doman Ruler, from afar did Arukuro watch as they went from one task to the other. putting their own life on the line for this people they don't even know.It inspired Arukuro, and she felt her heart pound for this man. race whenever she saw him fight, she watched from afar from Doma to the Steppes wherever she could hide and follow she would. watching all the feats done by this. . .Warrior of light? That is what he was called moved her both heart and mind.When the Warrior of light came to aid the Auspics, the four lords Arukuro hid she couldn't bare the idea of meeting the Warrior of light face to face. but she did still watch. spying on their fights that took place and her heart raced even more for the man. She saw how he saved the four lords balanced their aramitama. calming their rage and freeing them from their held onto grief for so long.Then she watched the Warrior of light free Doma. free her home, and she felt something wake up inside of her. she wanted to see their home. the Warrior of light's land of birth. so she would, she asked Genbu if she may travel the wider world of this star. it took a lot of convincing but in the idea she managed to sway her senseiWith this allowance, Arukuro would go to travel the world. learning all she could about it. making friends and bringing joy to others. much like the Warrior of light did.

Hearts and Minds

Just Bitter Memories and Pain

Mine. No Touchie. Growl Growl. Rawr

The Fireborne

While she does not have as deep as a connection to Fireborne as one she may like. she still considers the people within great and capable people. It also helps that one of their own a long time ago asked for her to join them.Despite the lack of Connection Arukuro would heed the call if they ever requested her aid.


Genbu, Who for all purposes is the 'Father' to Arukuro in her eyes, is someone she has the utmost respect for. It was him after all who found her when she was first becoming an Auspices and learning her way in the world.While her father does not always approve of what she does. Arukuro and Genbu talk often when the chance arises of the stories of Eroza and what she has done.

Lyn (Klynsyws)